When to plant seeds for your garden

When to plant seeds for your garden

Starting seedlings at the right time is crucial for a successful garden. The timing largely depends on the average last frost date in your region, as seedlings need a sufficient amount of time to grow indoors before being transplanted outside. Mother’s day is our average last frost date in central Maryland.

Generally, for many regions, starting seedlings indoors about 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost is a good rule of thumb. This allows the seedlings to develop strong roots and sturdy stems, giving them a better chance of thriving when transplanted into the garden. So around the middle of march is when you should be beginning to start your seedlings indoors in our area.  However, it’s essential to check the specific recommendations for the plants you’re growing, as different vegetables, herbs, and flowers may have varying germination and growth requirements.

Keeping a gardening calendar that notes the average last frost date in your area and counting backward from there will help you determine the optimal time to start your seedlings, ensuring a healthy and robust garden come planting season.

Here’s 4 Tips on starting seedlings for your garden.

1.      Find a good seed starting kit. It will have almost everything you need to start your seeds.

2.      Make sure your seedlings have lots of light — the more light the better. If you do not have enough light for your seedlings they will get leggy (tall and skinny). This happens when seedlings do not have enough light and grow up in search of more light.

3.      Patience is key! Just because today is nice and warm does not mean 3 days from now will be as nice. Remember, we’re in Maryland and we can experience all 4 seasons in any given week during the spring. Bide your time to ensure the weather is not going to have a bi-polar episode that Maryland is so famous for and snow the day after you plant your seedlings in your garden. The likelihood of frost will vary from one side of town to the other. Elevation, proxy to buildings and how close water is will greatly impact the likelihood of frost.

4.      Watch the weather after planting your seedlings. If there is frost in the forecast cover your seedlings with a sheet or towel to protect them from the frost.